DRC – 26 September 2014

DRC sees Ebola breakthrough
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has recorded no new cases of the Ebola virus in the past 12 days, a local official said on Tuesday, suggesting that the efforts to contain the outbreak have been successful.

DRC: Just this once, Joseph Kabila should listen to his opposition
Congolese President Joseph Kabila may or may not have decided to fiddle with his country’s constitution, but opposition groups aren’t waiting for him to make up his mind. Protests in Kinshasa and Goma this weekend were a pre-emptive warning that there will be consequences if he does try to remove constitutional term limits and keep himself in power.
Daily Maverick

DRC Protesters Against Kabila’s Overstay in Power
More than 2 000 people took to the streets of Kinshasa on Saturday to protest a bid by President Joseph Kabila to modify the constitution to be able to stay in power beyond his two-term limit.
Responding to a call by several opposition parties, the marchers – mostly young men – shouted “Kabila Must Go” as they headed towards a stadium in the north of the DR Congo capital.
The protesters included top figures from the two main opposition parties, the Union for the Congolese Nation (UNC) and the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS), which both have seats in parliament.
Radio VOP