Zimbabwe – 12 February 2016

‘Millions flee’ Zimbabwe conflict

More than three million Zimbabweans, double the population of neighbouring Botswana, have fled direct and structural violence in their country, a member of the National Transitional Justice Working Group in Zimbabwe (NTJWG) has said.

Speaking at a Transitional Justice Policy Discussion series meeting in Harare on Wednesday evening, Reverend Ray Motsi, leader of the Memorialisation Thematic Committee of the NTJWG, said the legacy of violence had endured for more than three decades and had become a knee-jerk response to any conflict in Zimbabwe.



Zim must just reform or sink

GLOBAL mining firm, Rio Tinto, this week announced it is seeking growth opportunities in neighbouring Botswana and Namibia when most deep-pocketed investors eyeing the capital-intensive sector are keeping their cards close to their chest, following trending commodity prices with keen interest.

Unfavourable commodity prices are forcing most mining firms to hold back on expansion, but Rio Tinto, widely perceived as a potential investor favourite as it is a low-cost producer, with a stronger balance sheet still has growth plans.

The Independent