Sudan – 5 August 2016
Sudanese government reiterates rejection of dialogue preparatory meeting
Sudanese Presidential Assistant Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid reiterated his government refusal for a national dialogue preparatory meeting, adding that talks on the cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access will start immediately after the signing of the Roadmap Agreement by the opposition.
In a press conference held on Thursday, Hamid announced that the government received an invitation from the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) to resume talks on the Two Areas and Darfur from nine to eleven August, stressing the government readiness to reach a peace agreement.
Sudan Tribune
China controls 75% of oil investment in Sudan: minister
Sudanese petroleum minister Mohamed Zayed Awad said that Chinese companies control 75 percent of foreign investment in Sudan’s oil sector.
Awad told reporters Wednesday upon his return from China that several Chinese companies would launch new oil and gas investments in Sudan.
He pointed that a delegation from the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) will arrive in Khartoum on August 25th to explore new investment opportunities.
Sudan Tribune