SALO Dialogue: The state of LGBTI Rights Protection in SA, with a focus on the proposed Hate Crimes Bill – 5 December 2016

5-dec-stillDate: Monday 5 December 2016

Venue: Alliance Française, 155 Loop street, Cape Town


Registration: 17H30 – 18H00 (Wine and light refreshments will be served)

Chair: Marissa van Rensburg, SALO


  • Keynote speaker:  Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, John Jeffery    
  • Sanja Bornman, Chairperson of the National Hate Crimes Working Group
  • Mabhuti Mkangeli, Senior Community Fieldworker, The Triangle Project

Open discussion: 19H15 – 20H00

Vote of thanks

Wine and light refreshments will be served

SALO would like to thank the following (in alphabetical order) for their direct support for this event:

The Alliance Française du Cap and the Consulate General of France in Cape Town, Irish Aid and the Embassy of Ireland, Pretoria; The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Pretoria; Open Society Foundation for South Africa