SALO and Pan-African Parliament enter 3 year MoU – 11 August 2017

On the 11th of August 2017, SALO entered into a three year MoU with the Pan-African Parliament to strengthen civic engagement with the Parliament. PAP sees this as an important step to strengthen the representation capacity of the African peoples. Signing on behalf of SALO, Deputy Director, Dr Showers Mawowa was quoted on the PAP website as saying the agreement will allow civil society, “to closely coordinate and cooperate with the PAP on strategies that will help the latter play its due role and fully deliver on its mandate.” The MoU formalises an already existing collaboration between the two organisations. 
The MoU provides a framework for cooperation in a number of areas among them,   
1. Establishment of Forum for PAP-Civil Society Dialogue
2. Support the implementation of the AU Agenda 2063 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda through provision of technical support to PAP Committees inter alia
3. Raise awareness on the work of the PAP in the areas of peace, security, human rights and good governance, inter alia
The two organisations further agreed to jointly mobilise resources in order to deliver on the objectives of the agreement.