Beyond 2015 Reaction to the zero draft of the outcome document for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda
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This paper is issued on behalf of the Beyond 2015 Rapid Response Task Force. The process for preparing the Beyond 2015 Reaction to this revised Zero Draft was as follows:
– Since April, an open call was shared several times with the whole Campaign and its different structures to join the Rapid Response Task Force. Over 60 participants from more than 20 countries registered.
– A webinar was held on June 2, 2015, and around 30 participants discussed and agreed on the timeline and plans for the Campaign’s reaction to the zero draft. A google doc was set up by the Secretariat and open from June 2nd – 4th for comments, suggested wording and recommendations from the Task Force.
– The Secretariat revised the inputs and re-opened the document from another round of comments/review (June 5 – 11).
– All comments and recommendations were checked, compared to Beyond 2015 position papers, and edited for consistency and sense by the Beyond 2015 Secretariat.