Central African Republic – 4 March 2016
Kidnappings by Kony’s LRA spike in Central African Republic
More than 200 people have been kidnapped in eastern Central African Republic this year, already nearly double last year’s level, in a wave of abductions blamed on the Lord’s Resistance Army, an organization tracking the rebel group said Thursday.
A quarter of the 217 abducted were children, 41 of whom are still missing or in captivity, LRA Crisis Tracker said in a statement. The kidnapped children may be as used as soldiers, sex slaves or laborers, it said.
Business Insider
Half of the population of CAR faces hunger, UN warns
An emergency food security assessment by the United Nations World Food Programme and its partners has revealed that half of the population of the Central African Republic (CAR) is facing hunger. The information comes at a time the country recovers from difficulty following three years of conflicts. UN warned that the food situation in the country of 2.5 million people is critical while calling on other nations to assist.
Africa News