Community Dialogue in Mamelodi – 13 Dec 2018

On 13th of December 2018 the Southern African Liaison Office (SALO) held a dialogue on gender-based violence (GBV), LGBTQI, xenophobia, hate crimes and hate speech in Mamelodi.

The dialogue was part of the ongoing series of engagements by the Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Hon John Jeffrey. SALO has been conducting these engagements with communities, civil society formations and other stakeholders for a number of years.  At SALO, we consistently try to bring civil society, embassy and government partners to communities so we can hear their stories and build consensus on a path forward that has human rights values at its core #youthactivism #GBV #salocommunitydialogue

Read full Policy Brief here:

Thank you to the Irish Embassy in Pretoria for their direct support for this event.