Policy Brief 6 of 2016 “South Africa-China-Zimbabwe Relations” 8 June 2016

On the 8th June 2016, SALO facilitated a dialogue in Cape Town, entitled: “South Africa-China-Zimbabwe Relations”. Professor Mills Soko, Associate Professor of International Political Economy, UCT Graduate School of Business was the keynote speaker. Other speakers included South African foreign policy experts, the Zimbabwean Consul-General and a Chinese academic based at UCT.

The aim of the dialogue was to initiate an informed and representative dialogue on the nature and state of South Africa-China-Zimbabwe relations. This dialogue was a continuation of SALO’s August 2015 South Africa-Zimbabwe dialogue held at UCT At the 2015 dialogue, the issue of China’s importance and relevance to Zimbabwe was consistently raised as a key aspect to analyse in terms of better understanding South Africa- Zimbabwe relations. It is on this basis that the 8th June 2016 discussion was facilitated.

The key outcomes of the discussion include:

– an acknowledgement that China is an important and key stakeholder with regards to Zimbabwe; and therefore has an important role to play in relation to the crisis in Zimbabwe

–  a realisation that South Africa needs to reengage with the Zimbabwe context, in order to initiate a constructive dialogue around Zimbabwe’s future prospects in light of the dire socioeconomic context, and potentially volatile political context

The key issues raised related to the pressing need for mediation and dialogue in terms of Zimbabwe’s political and economic future, especially in light of the upcoming 2018 elections.

Read full Policy Brief here: PB 6 of 2016 – 8 June