SADC and the DRC crisis – 20 March 2018

The deteriorating situation is the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues raise concern. Characterised by repression of dissent, which has resulted in the killing of protestors, an unclear elections roadmap, ambiguity on succession and an unreformed natural resource governance mechanism, the prevailing situation now poses significant threats to peace, stability and economic success in southern Africa. However, SADC appears ill-prepared to decisively deal with ongoing crises in the DRC and its accompanying silence has left the door wide open from the Joseph Kabila government to act with impunity.

The Open Society Initiative (OSISA), in partnership with the Southern Africa Liaison Office (SALO) and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), invite you to a roundtable discussion on the DRC crisis and the role of SADC in resolving it.


Opening and closing remarks: Dr Showers Mawowa, Deputy Director, the Southern African Liaison Office (SALO)
Nicole Odia Kayembe, Lawyer and Human Rights Defender
Sylvain Mbaya Lumu, Lawyer and Human Rights Defender
Nick Elebe, Director (OSISA-DRC)
Prof André Mbata Mangu, Research Professor and Director of the Verloren van Themaat Centre of Public Law in the College of Law at UNISA. (TBC)

CHAIR: Stephanie Wolters, Head |Peace and Security Research Programme | Chef |Programme de recherche paix et sécurité Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria | Institute d’Etudes de Securite, Pretoria