SALO COMMUNITY SCREENING WOODSTOCK – Xenophobia in South Africa: Documentary by Reuters

Wood screeningOn the 19th of April 2015 SALO held a film screening and discussion with members from the international community and local residents in Woodstock. There were 50 attendees; 27 male, 23 female

The documentary covered the 2008 brutal xenophobic attacks. It showed the way that foreign nationals, especially Zimbabweans were affected. It provided the narrative of women – especially those that gender-based violence was inflicted upon. It tried to provide an insight into the communities that were perpetrating these attacks.

Xen1Overall the film screening was well received and well attended and a constructive discussion took place. Next week there will be screenings in other Cape Town townships namely, Langa and Gugulethu in order to tackle the key issues within those communities.