Swaziland – 16 Jan 2015

MBABANE – Former Minister of ICT Nelisiwe Shongwe has agreed to repay the sum of E598 573 she owes to SwaziBank.
Shongwe entered into an agreement with lawyers representing the bank where she made an undertaking to repay the amount in monthly instalments of E15 000 with effect from December 31, 2014.
The ex-minister’s agreement comes after the bank instituted legal proceedings against her after she allegedly failed to service the loan as per the agreement between the parties. According to papers filed at the High Court Shongwe (defendant) and the bank (applicant) entered into a written contract of a loan agreement at the instance and request of the former.


Swaziland: Swazi Broadcasting Will Not Be Freed.
We should be sceptical of a report that the Swaziland Government is about to privatise all state-controlled broadcasting in the kingdom and open up the presently-restricted airways to the people.

This promise has been made on and off for the past twenty years. Now, Dumisani Ndlangamandla, Minister of Information Communication and Technology, has reportedly said a new entity called the Swaziland Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) will be formed, possibly by the end of 2015.

The Times Sunday, an independent newspaper in Swaziland, reported, ‘Ndlangamandla said it was expected that the operation would provide maximum availability of broadcasting to the people through the three-tier system of public, commercial and community broadcasting services.


Swaziland Aims for Malaria Elimination

Mbabane — The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Kingdom of Swaziland have strengthened their partnership by signing a new grant to support the elimination of malaria in the country by the end of 2015 with World Health Organisation certification by 2020.

The financial resources provided through the Global Fund come from many donors, represented today by the European Union and the United States. Beyond finances, the grant agreements embody solidarity with the people of Swaziland and many supporting partners, including WHO, the Clinton Health Access Initiatives and others.

The grant was signed by the Prime Minister of Swaziland, His Excellency Dr. Barnabas Dlamini, and Dr. Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund, at the Prime Minister’s office in Mbabane.

The grant is for US$4 million and will fund expanded testing and surveillance, distribution of malaria medications, indoor spraying in malarial regions and rapid response planning for the possibility of outbreaks.