Swaziland – 8 July 2016

WFP launches emergency food distribution in Swaziland

he World Food Programme has launched emergency food distributions in Swaziland to feed vulnerable people in one of the country’s worst-hit by the recent El Niño weather event, which led to severe droughts.

The government of Swaziland has declared a national emergency, as the land-locked southern African nation continues to suffer the effects of a devastating drought.

Prime Minister, Sibusio Dlamini, said the drought which began in 2014 as a result of the El Nino weather, has “deepened with “devastating consequences.”

Africa News


Swaziland, IMF to Clash over Pay Rise, says PM

Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini yesterday publicly admitted that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will not be pleased with the recent implementation of the salary review for civil servants.

“Sitocabana ne IMF,” said the PM, loosely translated to mean ‘the country is headed for a collision course with the IMF’.

Dlamini was responding to a question posed by Times of Swaziland Managing Editor Martin Dlamini, who wondered what the E850 million plus would mean to the wage bill of the civil service, and how international partners would view it?

The PM said it was an open secret that the IMF wanted government to reduce the size of the civil service and, therefore, reduce the wage bill but instead government had done the direct opposite by increasing it.

Times of Swaziland