Western Sahara: Polisario Front Calls on UN to Intervene Urgently for Release of Sahrawi Political Prisoners

Source: https://allafrica.com/stories/202004270394.html

The Polisario Front called Friday the United Nations to take an urgent action for the release of the Sahrawi political prisoners, underlining that Morocco is fully responsible of the serious consequences that may result from its insistence to keep them in unfair detention.

In its Friday’s meeting chaired by President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Brahim Ghali, the permanent office of the Polisario’s National Secretariat called on the United Nations, to “intervene urgently for the release of all the Sahrawi prisoners in the Moroccan prisons, notably with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.”

The Polisario underlined that “the Moroccan State is fully responsible of the serious consequences that my result from its insistence to keep them in unfair detention,” said the permanent office.
